Hybrid Strain Positive Effects:
Hybrid weed is some of the best weed in Canada. It is common that hybrid strains offer a good balance of both Indica as well as Sativa traits. Oftentimes the onset of the high is a more Sativa-high, then is followed shortly after by a nice mellow body buzz. Basically what we get is the best of both worlds! The effects that are felt will depend on the particular weed strain and its particular properties. For example, a sativa-dominant hybrid will have mostly uplifting and energizing effects and is best for daytime use. On the other hand, indica-dominant hybrids will provide more of a relaxing body high that’s more ideal for evening use. A perfectly balanced hybrid will give you an even mix of both. However, it’s important to note that the effects of a hybrid will also depend on several individual factors. Everyone reacts to marijuana differently, and this can vary based on things such as your weight, age, and previous experience with cannabis. The method by which you consume your hybrid will also impact your overall high. For example, cannabis concentrates have a much higher potency level than unrefined flower. The same goes for cannabis edibles. This is because these products contain concentrated THC, which means you need to consume much less to get the same effects. If you are trying marijuana for the first time, it is probably best to stick with smoking flower until you get more experience.

guyson, Aug 31 2022 on www.redhotbelgian.com